It's great when things come full circle. When my friend Adam Hathaway told me about his project, Rainbrush, and asked me (along with Sarah Smith, Renetta Sitoy, Grant Davidson, Tamra Seal, S.D. Willis and Carrie Hott) to collaborate with him by providing him with an image that would be interpreted by his painting machine, I was intrigued. According to Adam, Rainbrush would be a machine that "makes simulated rainfall, and that simulated rainfall makes a watercolor painting. There will 288 individual vials giving a final resolution of 12 x 24 'pixels.' I'm hoping the final images will simply appear to be blurry renditions of the original, like looking at something with your naked eye while under water."
I selected a cropped image of one of my recent paintings, Variation (white), 2014, and sent it to Adam. My work begins with digital imagery that is then translated, via process and materiality, into a painting. Adam took an image of my painting, reinterpreted it as a low-resolution arrangement of pixels, which he then used to program Rainbrush to make a watercolor painting.
It is wonderful to participate in and witness the cycle of digital>material>digital>material image-making. Brilliant job, Adam!
Rainbrush is currently on view at Aggregate Space Gallery in Oakland. Congrats, Adam, and thanks for inviting me to collaborate with you!
(Left) Rainbrush painting; (center) pixel mapping of my painting; (right) detail of my painting, Variation (white), 2014
A detail of Rainbrush and its color vials.
Adam Hathaway's Rainbrush in action at Aggregate Space Gallery.
Rainbrush making a painting based on Variation (white)